On Mastodon (as I had done on Twitter), I follow various pulp accounts that post old books and magazines (and less frequently, albums) that have covers of some interest, often grouped together in a theme. Vintage computer ads, Harlequin romance, ridiculous robots from 50s sci-fi, pin-ups, magazine illustration from mid-century, etc. Site’s like Pulp Covers and Pulp Artists are also good sources for such wonderful nonsense and from those I found the cover artists for many of the pulp sci-fi books I’ve read. The Mastodon accounts are a good way to break up your feed with something visually interesting, kindof like a pop culture museum exhibit.
Continue reading The availability of a vintage pulp magazineTag: Pulp sci-fi novels
Four pulp sci-fi novels (set #6)

Continuing my re-visiting of pulp sci-fi started back in 2018 on a lark. I picked these up at Book Nook when I picked up the three romance novels because at this point it’s an addiction.
Continue readingThree pulp sci-fi novels (set #5)
Updated 19 Jan 2020 (Star Light)
Updated 4 Aug 2021 (Starworld)

Visited Mostly Books while in Philadelphia the weekend of Lisa’s b-day. It’s like walking through an old house of a book hoarder. Stacks and stacks! Went looking for the books I spotted randomly at the bar Writers Block Rehab the previous night (The Infinite Man and The Lonely City, they had several shelves on display) and ended up just going with another set of sci-fi.
Updated 4 Aug 2021 (Starworld)
Good, if a bit rushed space opera that maybe would have benefitted if I had read the first two in the series. Colonist/farmer returns to a despotic Earth to free the universe from its exploitative rule; all planets and colonies are in current rebellion. The colonist drops into an information-deprived Earth whose citizens know little about the span of the rebellion, some who hope to rebel themselves. There are deep dives into racist America, hints at Iron Curtain-like oppression, and an Israel that plays a key role as an isolated pocket of freedom. Yes, this book is a product of its time and, let’s say, Has Some Opinions.
My (so far) final act of Johnny Appleseed-ing books at random locations around the world, I left this in the Little Free Library in front of the Midtown Marta station. More mundane than a Vespa seat in Sydney or a hospital in Curacao, but the fact that it was gone the next day was the first instance where I observed appreciation for my Guerilla Distribution Network. A fitting end (so far…).
Continue reading Three pulp sci-fi novels (set #5)Four pulp sci-fi novels (set #4)
Updated 2 Mar 2019 (Ordeal in Otherwhere)
Updated 23 Apr 2019 (The Last Planet)
Updated 26 May 2019 (Breed to Come)
Updated 8 Jul 2019 (Agent of Entropy)

I select based on the description on the back cover and, by chance, I picked up three Andre Norton books. Sadly, only one of the books has information on their cover artists.
Continue reading Four pulp sci-fi novels (set #4)