30 May 2004

Flip-flop flack

This election has become about accusations of lack of consistency. That is: the Bush campaign is trying to push the label of flip-flopper on Kerry, so Kerry supporters have responded with counter-accusations. Let's have a looksee...

The first item in each list appeared to me to be the most useful with other items containing either duplicates or shadey goings-on. All are somewhat valueable though. Maybe I'm showing my bias by including more Bush links than Kerry links, but the return-fire from Kerry's side of the Web was just much more active.

Bush Flip-flops

  • The Center for American Progress has a list with citations for each flip and each flop.
  • The Daily Kos blog offers a few, citation-free flip-flops.
  • The Wampum blog has several entries.
  • Matthew Yglesias's blog has an entry with items enumerated in comments. There are unfortunately few citations, and of course the comments have become a forum for ad hominem attacks on Yglesias, so there's a low-ish signal to noise ratio.
  • Molly Ivins has an article on various flip-flops.
  • Finally, Jon Stewart satirized many of the points made by having a faux debate between Governor George W. Bush and President George W. Bush, which Lisa Rein dutifully captured (and which The Daily Show provides).

Kerry Flip-flops

  • The Bush/Cheney campaign page has a very detailed list of flip-flops with citations for each.
  • Slate has a short article listing Kerry's flip-flops.
  • And how did we ever get by without a domain named FlipFlopper.com. It lists many flip-flops with dates but no source material.
[ posted by sstrader on 30 May 2004 at 10:12:40 PM in Politics ]