21 April 2005

I'm a sticky ball for snobbery

It began earlier this week with WNYC discussing first The Rock Snob's Dictionary [Amazon] with its authors (very funny) on The Brian Lehrer Show. Then on The Leonard Lopate Show, a discussion of quirks in the English language resulted in many Language Snobs calling in to decry this or that usage they're aghast at (usually related to something dangling or mixed). Later, a co-worker passed around one of those how-observant-are-you trivia quizzes (Which way does a no smoking sign's slash run? How many sides does a stop sign have?). A situation free of snobbery you think? Well, the Logic Snobs of the office took issue with the connotative/denotative ambiguity of some of the questions ("a stop sign only has two sides, it does however have eight edges"), succumbing to the urge to try to be smarter than the object that's challenging you. Then today, Alex Ross gave his readers a good laugh by pointing out the sometimes contradictory Music Snobbery of Pope Benedict XVI: Holy cow — Theodor W. Adorno has been elected Pope! [Exclamation mine.]

[ posted by sstrader on 21 April 2005 at 12:50:51 PM in Culture & Society ]