13 February 2006

Netflix competition

  1. Get an Amazon Prime account for fast shipping,
  2. Spider the Netflix site to dump their 55,000 movie list in a database and flag their popular items,
  3. Build a site:
    • Offer only the most popular titles,
    • Offer only one simplified subscription model ($10 for 2 at a time, limit 10/month),
    • Allow users to select less popular titles so that they can be notified when they're available (this assumes that popular titles could be purchased immediately and the less popular ones in a month at most)
  4. As rental orders come in, purchase locally or from Amazon with free 2-day delivery. You eventually build up a workable catalog and can respond more quickly.
  5. Shipping would be from $2-3 one way, $4-6 with return envelope

Is this insane?

[ posted by sstrader on 13 February 2006 at 2:24:38 PM in ]