Notes on Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, The Tale of King Arthur and the Emperor Lucius

Ambassadors arrive from the Roman Emperor Lucius demanding a tribute. Tributes were sent ever since Julius Caesar had originally conquered Britain. Arthur declines and although the messengers are terrified, he spares them in order for them to return to Lucius to tell him that Arthur has declared was in Rome. Arthur and 15 Kings will March through France, Alemaine, the Alps, Lombardy, Milan, and then Rome. They return and convey Arthur’s declaration of war.

Lucius receives the message and decides to take his army and the Giants of Geen to France to fight Arthur’s forces. He also sends messengers to a dozen or so kingdoms to request support. They March across the Alps and arrive at France prepared for battle.

geen det 1. no, not a, not an, not any (Middle Dutch, 1150-1500, cf. German kein); 2. adj yonder, far (Old Dutch, 400s-1100s)

Arthur’s armies gather after 15 days and they set sail at Sandwich. In his ship, Arthur dreams of an awe-inspiring, multi-colored dragon flying from the West. It meets a bear coming from the East. After a long fight, the dragon burns the bear to ashes. A soothsayer tells Arthur that the dragon defeating the bear is Arthur defeating a tyrant.

A squire pleads that Arthur help his country fight the Giants of Geen who have been terrorizing his country for seven years. He has eaten 500 of their children, defeated five hundred of their knights and taken Lady Howell hostage. Arthur agrees and takes two knights to St. Michael’s Mount where the giants live. Arthur fights him, they roll down a hill and the giant is dead. They chop the head off and send it to Sir Powell since his wife was killed.

Arthur sends knights to the emperor in Paris and demands his surrender. They fight and kill thousands but several are captured and others go to rescue them. Lancelot takes knights to spy on the Roman camps in the woods. Various battles follow but the emperor pushes forward. The Romans have Giants of Geen fighting with them. More battles and the Roman armies are defeated. Arthur sends their dead back to Rome as a warning and to act as the tribute that the emperor demanded.

Arthur marches through Flanders, Lorraine, Alemaine, Lombardy, and then to Tuscany.

Gawain rides off to adventure and meets a knight names Sir Priamus, heir to Alexander the Great. They fight and Gawain defeats Priamus who then asks to he converted to Christianity so that he Jan further fight Rome. Gawain first presents himself as a servant nut then admits who he is. Priamus tells home there is a threatening army nearby. They join with Sir Florens and Sir Florydas and kill King Ferraunte.

With them, Arthur defeats Milan and travels further to become the Emperor of Rome. Sir Launcelot and Sir Bors are given the realm of King Claudas. Sir Priamus is given the dukedom of Lorraine.