Most taken from Twitter “friends”:
- WHO declared it a pandemic today. (NPR link, I cannot find a WHO link.)
- South Korea performing 10,000 tests a day. US performed 8 today.
- “Misstatements” during the address, which was scripted, yet had to be corrected within 10 min:
- Ban all travel from Europe, s/b ban on foreign nationals and not trade or citizens. Most of Europe has equal or fewer cases than the US.
- Health insurers waive copay for treatment, s/b only for testing (insurers quick as fuck corrected that).
- Promises payroll tax relief, relief for sick workers, and waivers for small businesses, s/b Congress is reviewing those measures.
- Just yesterday, president said “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”
- Gen. Michael Hayden: “I’m scared”.
- Dow futures dropped 3+% during his 11 min speech and up to ~5% an hour after.
- NBA suspends season. Rudy Gobert mocked COVID-19 on Monday by exaggeratedly touching every reporters’ microphone and is now the single cause of the shut down.
- 2 weeks ago: Italy had 322 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, 1 week ago: 2,502, Today: 10,149.

Prior events:
The Atlantic report on the triage situation in Italy where “Those who are too old to have a high likelihood of recovery, or who have too low a number of “life-years” left even if they should survive, will be left to die [emphasis mine].” — The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors
The economic loss, and losses to come, are becoming more than unbelievable.
From this afternoon: Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations – sources
Two days ago: The Trump Administration Is Stalling an Intel Report That Warns the U.S. Isn’t Ready for a Global Pandemic
Our suppression of information is at China levels.
Republicans refer to it as “the Chinese virus” in order to re-frame as a subject that liberals are irrational about (“why are you so triggered?!?).
Updated the next day