failed state (part 4) – 11-13 Jan 2021 – impeachment and cowed Rs

There was no sea change with the Rs.

Mon 11 Jan 2021, 10:16 AM

Congressional Democrats more and more angry as more is revealed. And they’re not wrong.

Gratefully no moves by T**** yet, except an announcement of a rally at the Alamo (not that one, but still…).

Everything is changing by the hour.

Rs still only going to start impeachment trial on the 19th.

Giuliani being investigated by the bar.

Capitol police chief says the Pentagon refused to send National Guard because of the “optics”. I’d heard this the day or two after, but it’s getting confirmed now.

10:56 AM

Articles release: inciting insurrection and call with GA election officials

Wed 13 Jan 2021, 9:03 AM

Impeachment trial about to start, maybe a dozen Rs may vote for it, McConnell might be leaning that way. That means nothing.

Today/this afternoon is just a week after the insurrection.

Rep. Mikie Sherrill saw other Congressmen give tours the day before to some of the insurrectionists. Rep. Val Demings suggests that others aided the insurrectionists.

video of planning inside the capitol the day of

9:54 AM

House debate (who?) enumerated all other Democratic resolutions for impeachment and how they were voted down, countering the R accusation that Democrats were trying to “impeach the president from the day he took office” good preemptive attack.

Test vote (H.Res. 41) in an hour to see what Rs will agree. Final vote this afternoon.

11:15 AM

Rs arguments: it’s a rushed vote, there was violence on both sides (ayfkm), we need to move towards unity, quoting MLK a lot. Claire McCaskill points out that MLK day is coming up this Monday.

H.Res 41 “On Ordering the Previous Question”

Millitary deployed in the Capitol. VP offices have much wider perimeter.

H.Res. 41 “On Agreeing to the Resolution”

1:40 PM

These people are unconscionable.

4:09 PM

Grandstanding is done and votes are being placed. Looking like only seven Rs. It read like the first impeachment: the R’s arguments were… not even specious. Unconscionable.

4:16 PM


4:18 PM


4:25 PM


4:36 PM

232 to 197

The final vote
Madame Pelosi announcing the vote