17 February 2006

Where was I?

Watching movies: Heights was quiet and even flowing with a range of characters' lives intersecting. What's that style? Altmanesque? The only issue is that your radar goes up immediately and starts looking for the obvious ironic coincidences that might happen with (apparently) disconnected individuals. Done right--as Heights does and Crash does--and the coincidences build the characters rather that make the story simply gimmicky. Before that was Red Eye. Short and gripping; well-structured. I also just received Wild, Wild Planet and Mission: Stardust and am about to throw up from excitement. There's gonna be an Italian sci-fi double feature in my future.

Valentine's Day was going to be a nice dinner at home, but our refrigerator finally died. As would be expected, not much food was lost and we got it repaired by the extremely capable Mr. Appliance (who also diagnosed our washing machine) yesterday. Anyway, with no way to store leftovers, we decided to try for reservations at Toast and got in easily. Nice night on the patio with one grainy photo on my new Treo to prove it.


[ posted by sstrader on 17 February 2006 at 2:11:57 PM in Where was I? ]