failed state (part 2) – the day after the insurrection – will there be action?

Thu 7 Jan 2021, 1:53 PM

From our visit there many years ago. We need them to come and introduce democracy to the US.

Woke up to learn that, gratefully, nothing happened overnight except the Congressional vote that finished up at 3:30 AM. Six Representatives and 120 Senators still dissented. My god.

1:53 PM

Biden speaking. Calm moved quickly to anger, enumerating four years of offenses and the many degradations of T****, then in the last few weeks, then the last few days. Each period with an equal number of extreme shames. Transition to the independences of the T****-appointed judges and their impartiality that helped saved us. Reference to the injustice of the treatment of BLM protests. Segue to his DOJ nominations. (What an extremely eloquent and reasoned speech.) And a humorous, heartfelt introduction of his DOJ nominations.

They then introduced themselves. Merrick Garland choking up.

2:39 PM

Pelosi: invoke the 25th Amendment or we’ll consider (consider?!) impeachment. Also, asking for the resignation of Capitol Hill Police Chief and Sergeant at Arms.


Reminding me of the pic I took on 17 Jan 2020 after we landed in Atlanta, back from Philadelphia, and waiting for our luggage:

2020, impeachment inquiry announced

Partial transcription taken from this thread:

Yesterday the President of the United States incited an armed insurrection against America. … I join the Senate Democratic leader in calling on the vice president to remove this president by immediately invoking the 25th amendment. If the vice president and cabinet do not act, the Congress may be prepared to move forward with impeachment. … A complete tool of Putin, this president is. Putin’s goal was to diminish the view of democracy in the world. That’s what he has been about … the president gave him the biggest, of all of his many gifts to Putin, the biggest yesterday. … While there are only 13 days left, any day could be a horror show for America … Some of the Republicans and their enabling of the president’s bad behavior have said ‘those were not Trumpites. They were antifa invading the Capitol, disguised as Trumpites.’ So we have a problem here with the enabling that’s going on with the Republicans … This man is deadly. To our democracy, and to our people. … In terms of the inauguration … I don’t trust whatever the president might have in mind, because I think he’s a very dangerous man

3:00 PM

Members of Congress calling for the president T****’s removal

11:38 PM

I don’t think anything’s going to happen. No impeachment, no 25th amendment, law enforcement is failing to arrest the dozens and dozens of insurrectionists that everyone but them has doxxed, no ostracizing of the many many Congressional Rs who were complicit.

I hope I’m wrong.