failed state (part 3) – the weekend after the insurrection – Rs continue to double down

Sat 9 Jan 2021, 10:22 AM

Democrats looking for resignation, 25th Amendment, impeachment. Republicans are still fighting. Hard. And with very few dissenters. McConnell says he won’t start an impeachment trial until 20 Jan. Pence is adamant against the 25th.

Arrests beginning, but the federal enforcement agencies are dragging their feet. Talk of a fifth column (DOJ, recently appointed Pentagon lackeys (the same ones who dragged their feet to provide National Guard troops during the insurrection)). Can they be trusted to protect Biden during his inauguration? There’s a hopelessness.

Last night was a respite: articles of impeachment were drafted and circulated, T**** was banned from Twitter, this arrived in the mail:


We had ordered her the day the election was called for Biden (Sat 7 Nov 2020). She arrived the day articles of impeachment were drafted (two months later, Fri 8 Jan 2021).

10:45 AM

Nichols fears reckless military action, citing the power that remains (all of it) and the nuclear codes; any intervention by others in the government is unconstitutional. The Cuban missile crisis was DEFCON 2. Ron Suskind was interviewed on Rachel Maddow last night. He likens T****’s followers to “an army” that can be activated at any time. He’s off Twitter and Facebook, but there’s always Parler and little chance commands wouldn’t get out, even if it takes 4chan.

Like I said: hopelessness.