The Jan 6 hearings, 27 Jul 2021, day 1

10:20 AM

Started late, maybe 15 minutes ago, because of work. Watching will be intermittent throughout the day.


  • Bennie Thompson (D), chair
  • Elaine Luria (D)
  • Jamie Raskin (D)
  • Stephanie Murphy (D)
  • Pete Aguilar (D)
  • Adam Schiff (D)
  • Zoe Lofgren (D)
  • Liz Cheney (R)
  • Kinzinger (R)

First testimony from four officers:

  • Sgt. Aquilino Gonell, U.S. Capitol Police
  • Officer Michael Fanone, Metropolitan Police Department
  • Officer Daniel Hodges, Metropolitan Police Department
  • Officer Harry Dunn, U.S. Capitol Police
image via @MikevWUSA, 9:56 AM, 21 Jul 2021

Testimony (from left to right in the image above):

Gonell broke down through most of his testimony, talking about going home for an hour to recover, pushing his wife away because he was covered in pepper spray, then returning to continue his job. It was very difficult to listen to. Fanone, angry throughout (he has been very vocal since the event), slams his fist against the desk at one point while talking about the congressional deniers. Hodges sneering in disgust as recalling the insults shouted at them. I can’t image how they retained all of the stories, likely from difficult retelling with therapists. Dunn begins by requesting a moment of silence for Sicknick. In response to an insurrectionist saying nobody voted for Biden, Dunn said that he had. The worst type of racist insults followed. He admits much is a blur. He tells of the extensive counseling he’s received and urges other officers to accept it.

It’s notable how each has had their own, specific character in the retelling. Part from their different experiences, part from their difference in unique, angry, hurt tones. All have moments of breaking down. I cannot, just cannot imagine.

11:00 AM

(An hour of meetings. Here’s starts more interruptions.)

Specific questions begin.

Hodges says the WaPo estimate 9,000 “terrorists” (his words) there.

11:38 AM

Rep. Kinzinger begins crying before he can ask questions. Closing his questions 10 minutes later, his voice break again.

Rep. Schiff usually matter-of-fact, now somber. Asks Dunn whether he thinks this is America and Dunn replies that he wishes it wasn’t but must sadly admit that it is. I think about the impeachment hearings and how the Republicans had their feet on their desks or were reading or generally smiling and ignoring the testimony presented to them. I would like them to be in this room.

12:42 PM

(Returning from work meetings.)

Rep. Luria paraphrases Hemingway w/r/t the death of democracy:

“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.
“Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”

–Hemingway, from The Sun Also Rises

Fanone says he wants part of the investigation to include looking for collaboration between members of Congress and the terrorists. Hodges echoes that desire. Dunn contradicts the critics who say the investigation is becoming political: “This is political.” Praises Kinzinger and Cheney but questions why their position is viewed as heroic.

1:00 PM

End. Members of the committee have 10 days to submit questions for witnesses. I had assumed it would continue daily but I guess everyone needs a break after the officers’ statements.