21 October 2008

Where was I?

Friday shenanigans with friends at Zaya then Pcheen. Zaya's food is always awesome, and they had $3 glasses/$10 bottles of wine!

Saturday was up at Mom's with my brother to start cleaning (spelled t.h.r.o.w.i.n.g. o.u.t.) junk in the basement. We found out that the dump closes at noon, so we just loaded up the truck for him to take on Monday. Finding some stuff to eventually try to sell on Craigslist including a rotary phone(!). Also found my long-lost copy of Meco's seminal piece of disco crap: Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk:

Found in my parents' basement. Jealous much? on TwitPic

I planned on framing it and was stunned when Lisa recommended the same thing. Rolling Frame Review (who did an excellent job on the prints from the Atlanta Arts Festival) should be sufficiently weirded out.

I also took tons of old books of ours to the Roswell Recycling Center and met a guy who owns an apartment building on 3rd and Juniper. He volunteers for some book donation stuff and was excited to dig through my car load.

Some of Saturday and Sunday was dedicated to cleaning, Container Store, and organization in preparation of Lisa's friend Kevin Roy's visit this Thursday-Sunday. I hate that it takes a guest to get us to clean up, but man the place looks good. And as a bonus, the piano tuner came on Monday. Get in a row, you ducks!

[ posted by sstrader on 21 October 2008 at 12:15:53 PM in Where was I? ]